Director: Martin Scorsese

Notable Actors: Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson

Year: 2016

IMDB Score: 7.2/10 Rotten Tomatoes Score: 83%

Photo-credit: Wikipedia

Photo-credit: Wikipedia

Based off of the novel by the same name, this film is set in Nagasaki during the 17th century (Edo Period) when Japan was isolated from the rest of the world. It follows the story of two Jesuit priests from Portugal who come to Japan to find their missing mentor and attempt to spread Catholic Christianity in a largely untouched Buddhist country. The film truly emphasized silence as there is no traditional soundtrack with music, but rather the soundtracks are the sounds of nature and subtle sounds throughout the movie.

Watch the official trailer for Martin Scorsese's new movie Silence. Starring Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver and Liam Neeson, see it in theatres December. Marti...