Director: Shinichiro Ueda

Notable Actors: N/A

Awards: Blue Ribbon Award for Best Film

Year: 2017

IMDB Score: 7.7/10 Rotten Tomatoes Score: 100%

Photo-credit: Wikipedia

Photo-credit: Wikipedia

One Cut of the Dead is a zombie-comedy film with a low budget (about 25,000 dollars) starring unknown actors. It released in small theaters in Japan with plans to only screen for 6 days, however the film received massive success for it’s unique and new style of movie-making. The film features a quirky opening scene where a low budget zombie film is being filmed in an abandoned water filtration plant when a real zombie apocalypse breaks out. The director insists on continuously filming and the camera doesn’t stop for 37 minutes straight. This film was highly praised for it’s new film-making styles, humor, writing and direction.

Don't stop shooting! A zombie comedy like no other Director/screenplay/Editor Shinichiro Ueda