When your’e choosing between the thousands of delicious places to eat at in Japan, you may notice some replica foods outside of restaurants. They’re actually fake foods of what’s on their menu. These shokuhin sampuru or food samples are a big industry in Japan and are produced by special shops for restaurants. Fake food samples was invented in 1932 when eating out started to become more popular in Japan and restaurant owners wanted to display what they sold in the front of their stores. They became even more popular after World War II when many more Americans were in Japan and couldn’t read the menu so they relied on these fake foods to order their food. You can buy fake food samples as key-chains, pencil holders, decorations and more! Considered to be the father of fake food samples, Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya sells a variety of fake food samples - and they look so real!
Photo credit: Ganso Shokuhin Sample
Where to buy: 3-7-6 Nishi Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo (Stores in Yokohama and Skytree tower as well)
Tel: 0120-171-839
Hours: Mon-Sun, 10:00am - 5:30pm